Wardrobe consultant in Denver curating a stylish capsule wardrobe.

Hello! I'm Spencer, your go-to companion for embarking on a transformative journey towards style and self-assurance.

My fascination with fashion took root early on and blossomed during my time as a personal stylist at J.Crew. There, I encountered numerous individuals, each with a unique story, all aspiring to unveil a confident self-image through style yet feeling somewhat adrift in the vast sea of fashion.

This inspired the creation of White Shoe Consulting—a venture aimed at navigating individuals to their most confident selves, one outfit at a time, through wardrobe consultancy. Having styled over 100 men and women, my fashion styling experience encompasses assisting those navigating body changes or with unique fitting needs, making style accessible and enjoyable for all. I shy away from the rigid style "rules", believing instead in the empowering alchemy of confidence and personal style.

Have questions or specific needs? I’m all ears. Reach out, and let's craft a personal styling plan together that propels you towards daily confidence, reflecting your life’s transitions through your wardrobe. The confident you that awaits will have you wondering why you didn’t hire a fashion stylist sooner!